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caisec '24

caisec '24

Hottest Cybersecurity Technology Trends : Thousands of vendors and service providers launch new products every day. We shall hear about the latest trends and tips on how to determine which technologies are best to secure your enterprise.

"The Rise of Nation-State Cyber Attacks: Preparing for the Unprecedented"

Nation-state sponsored cyber-attacks have become increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, targeting governments, critical infrastructure, and private organizations. In this panel, professionals will analyze recent attacks, discuss potential motivations, and explore strategies to detect, prevent, and respond to such advanced threats. The discussion will shed light on threat intelligence sharing, international cooperation, and the role of public-private partnerships in combating these attacks

“Cyber Threat Intelligence: From Data to Actionable Insights"

Exploring the role of cyber threat intelligence in proactively identifying and mitigating cyber threats, discussing the collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence to enhance defense capabilities and incident response.

"Quantum Leaps: Securing the Future in a Post-Quantum Era"

Securing the Future in a Post-Quantum Era" aims to delve into the profound implications of quantum computing advancements on current cryptographic systems and explore potential solutions to ensure robust security in the face of quantum threats. As quantum computing continues to evolve, traditional cryptographic algorithms that underpin our digital infrastructure face the risk of being rendered vulnerable. This discussion will bring together experts in the field to examine the challenges posed by quantum computing and foster dialogue on the urgent need for post-quantum cryptography. By addressing the implications and exploring solutions, the panel aims to pave the way for a secure and resilient digital landscape in the post-quantum era.

"Deceptive Charms: Unraveling the Complexity of Evolved Social Engineering Attacks"?

In an interconnected digital world, social engineering attacks have evolved to become more sophisticated and elusive. As technology advances, so do the tactics used by cybercriminals to deceive and manipulate individuals and organizations. The panel discussion will delve into the intricate landscape of evolved social engineering attacks, shedding light on the deceptive charms employed by threat actors to infiltrate, exploit, and compromise systems and data. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the evolving nature of these attacks, the psychological strategies behind them, and the proactive measures needed to defend against them in an increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape.

Strengthening Digital Banking Defenses: Cyber Resilience in the Financial Sector

The rapid evolution of digital banking has revolutionized the way consumers manage their finances, presenting new opportunities and challenges for financial institutions. This panel will delve into the critical aspects of digital banking security and risk management, shedding light on the strategies and technologies essential for safeguarding customer data and financial transactions in an increasingly interconnected world.

"Unveiling the Cyber Security Awareness Imperative: Safeguarding Organizations Amidst the Avalanche of Attacks"

In an era where cyber threats are ever evolving and more sophisticated, the imperative for heightened cyber security awareness has never been more pressing. This panel discussion aims to uncover the risks posed by cyber security ignorance and the potential vulnerabilities that can ensue from accolades and awards. By shedding light on the correlation between organizational recognition and increased susceptibility to cyber-attacks, this insightful dialogue will provide strategic insights and practical solutions for cultivating a cyber-resilient environment. Join us as we navigate the complex terrain of cyber security awareness and fortify organizations against the onslaught of digital threats.

"The Role of GRC in Safeguarding Organizations"

This panel covers the pivotal role of GRC in safeguarding organizations against evolving cyber threats. Experts will share their insights, experiences, and best practices in offering a comprehensive understanding of the GRC framework and its significance in establishing robust cyber security programs. The panelists will explore how effective GRC strategies enable organizations to identify, assess, and manage risks, while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

“Addressing Key Security Challenges in the Telecom Industry"

The discussion will analyze the latest security threats targeting telecom infrastructure, including network attacks, signaling vulnerabilities, SIM card cloning, strategies to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer information, incident response and resilience.

“Deepfakes Unveiled: Navigating the Cybersecurity Maze”

This panel aims to delve into the intricate world of deepfakes and explore their profound implications on cybersecurity, privacy, and digital trust. By unmasking the deception behind deepfakes, the discussion aims to shed light on the evolving techniques used in creating and spreading manipulated media, and the potential consequences they pose for individuals and organizations. Through this exploration, the panel seeks to strengthen defenses against deepfakes by exploring advanced detection and defense strategies to mitigate risks and safeguard critical systems and sensitive information. Furthermore, the discussion will delve into the ethical considerations surrounding deepfakes.

“Cloud Security in a Hyperconnected World: Risks, Compliance, & Solutions”

This session will bring a comprehensive understanding of the evolving cloud threat landscape, compliance considerations, and cutting-edge solutions to mitigate risks. Panelists will discuss emerging cloud security risks: by analyzing the latest threats and vulnerabilities targeting cloud environments, including data breaches, unauthorized access, misconfigurations, insider threats, and supply chain risks.

“Strategies for Recovering from Ransomware: The Path to Restoration"

This panel of cybersecurity experts share insights, strategies, and best practices for effectively recovering from ransomware incidents. They will provide attendees with actionable recommendations and real-world insights on incident response frameworks, technical recovery strategies, negotiation and payment and best practices for transparent and timely communication with internal and external stakeholders, including employees, customers, partners, regulators, and the media, to maintain trust and manage reputational impact. More importantly they will discuss the post-attack analysis and lessons learned after such an incident.

“Adversarial Attacks & Defenses in Generative AI”

This session will focus on understanding the vulnerabilities of generative AI models to adversarial attacks and exploring techniques to detect and mitigate such attacks. Panelists will discuss countermeasures and defensive strategies to enhance the robustness and resilience of generative AI models against adversarial manipulation. They will also discuss the ethical considerations in Generative AI for cybersecurity and will explore the role of stakeholders, including researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals, in promoting ethical guidelines and standards in generative AI for cybersecurity.

"Deceptive Charms: Unraveling the Complexity of Evolved Social Engineering Attacks"?

In an interconnected digital world, social engineering attacks have evolved to become more sophisticated and elusive. As technology advances, so do the tactics used by cybercriminals to deceive and manipulate individuals and organizations. The panel discussion will delve into the intricate landscape of evolved social engineering attacks, shedding light on the deceptive charms employed by threat actors to infiltrate, exploit, and compromise systems and data. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the evolving nature of these attacks, the psychological strategies behind them, and the proactive measures needed to defend against them in an increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape.

“Fraud in the Digital Transformation Era: Impact of Emerging Technologies on Fraud Risks”

This panel is essential for fraud investigators, cybersecurity professionals, risk management practitioners, law enforcement personnel, and individuals responsible for fraud prevention and detection within organizations. Attendees will gain valuable insights, practical countermeasures, and real-world examples to enhance their fraud prevention strategies and safeguard their organizations against the ever-evolving threat of cyber fraud.

"Safeguarding Innovation: Cybersecurity for Fintech Companies "

Industry experts, cybersecurity leaders, and fintech professionals will come together to discuss the latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions specific to cybersecurity in the fintech sector. Panelists will shed light on the unique cybersecurity challenges faced by fintech companies, including data breaches, payment fraud, regulatory compliance, and third-party risks. They will address the need to balance innovation and security in the fintech space, including secure application development, secure APIs, and secure integration with existing financial systems.

"Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Bridging the Divide"

Addressing the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals, discussing the importance of education, training, diversity, and industry collaboration to bridge the skills gap and strengthen the cybersecurity workforce.